
Insights from Research

The healthcare system in the US faces a critical shortage of nurses, with a deficit of ~2 million needed professionals as the population ages and chronic diseases become more prevalent. Concurrently, nurses in Mexico encounter limited career growth opportunities and low valuation of their profession. These insights reveal a significant mismatch between the supply of qualified nurses in Mexico and the demand in the US, where nurses can earn up to 8x what they would in Mexico.



Our approach

Nunnas provides a comprehensive ch solution that supports nurses from Mexico throughout their journey to work in the US. Our platform offers end-to-end assistance, including preparation for English proficiency, nursing certification, visa acquisition, and job placement. This ensures that US healthcare employers receive highly qualified staff ready to meet the increasing demands of the sector and also help solve the huge ~30% turnover problem that they are currently facing.


Business Model:

As a digital platform operating at the intersection of healthtech and edtech, Nunnas connects US healthcare employers with exceptional nursing talent from Mexico. We guide nurses through each step of their preparation and transition, from mastering English and obtaining necessary certifications to securing their visa and finding a rewarding job. With the launch of our MVP and a focus on reaching Product-Market Fit, we are also preparing for our pre-seed funding round to scale our impact.